Acknowledging Effort
Each one of us uses all his/her senses to think, listen, see, feel, and act. We all understand (or misunderstand) things or people in a certain way. However, have we ever thought that…
The Confluence – Souloutpourings for relations with oneself and others
Confluence In my heart there is longing for you,On an unusual day,It makes me wonder –Am I right or am I wrong!? My heart is a tiny drop of water,Yearning to merge in…
You get what you ask for!
I can, sometimes, still smell of the Encyclopedia my papa brought when I was 10. It still has the energy filled in the transitional fluids that run inside me. I remember how much…
Security – Our Basic Need
What’s the most important priority for a soul? The answer which comes to my mind is ‘Security’. By souls, I not only mean Homo sapiens but other species too. Animals and Trees for…