Do we need really need role models to grow?
Do we need really need role models to grow?
“You should have role models in your life.
We all need role models to achieve our goals.
It’s important that we have an inspiration at all times.
Stick pictures of your role models on your wall.”
I have heard all of this since I can remember especially when I shifted to Mumbai a few years ago. I was absolutely naive and was struggling with so many aspects of my life. Being emotionally and financially independent became my sole focus at that point in time. Fortunately, I had the right people to guide me and I constantly kept them by my side. I learned so much from them which I didn’t learn at home.
Eventually, I grew up socially and had my own individual space, but I was also emotionally attached and dependent on the ones who helped me grow. I started to voice my ideas and opinions about certain issues. And I am writing one of them now. I started to keenly observe the ones who inspired me and motivated me till now. As I was growing, my approach and thinking about things changed immensely. I started to see their flaws, their intentions, and much more. Moreover, their other side which I either missed or they had evolved subsequently. I really don’t know that.
Everybody had advocated so much about role models but unfortunately, they didn’t tell me the cons of it… which I needed to know and felt the need to express it because I didn’t know that it would affect me so much. For me to process all of this was mentally taxing, so much that I isolated myself for a few days to come to terms with reality. Luckily, I had friends in my hostel that kept me sane and tried to cheer me up as much as they could. Nevertheless, innumerable thoughts were going on and in time I asked myself just one question… ‘What am I feeling right now?’ I realized that it was getting challenging for me to accept the situation and felt betrayed.
Sadly, the phase where I had the tendency to cut people off bounced back, which again isn’t the solution. But I did. In due course of time, I learned an unusual life lesson —
Have role models in your life. But also be aware that they are not gods. They are going to waver in life and not always will be in consensus. You just have to accept them with their flaws and learn to deal with them happily. When I learned to draw a line between people and what qualities they inspire me with, I started to see things clearly. It helped me grow internally. It all makes sense now. What I learn from them is far more important for me than how perfect that person actually is. Well, I learned this the hard way!!!

I am just amazed at how life taught me so many things in due course of time. And I am still learning. In the end, our approach and intention make all the difference.
Not all might agree with what I think and I would also like to know what you feel too! Do let me know in the comments below.
Also, don’t forget to read through my previous blog: https://souloutpourings.com/amazing-online-talent-contest-on-a-sunday-evening/

Nihal Pai
The way you express your thoughts gets better with every passing day. Keep it up Shraa!!!
Very relatable! In childhood we grow with parent as role model only to see their flaws later but still love remains. I find it easier to be inspired by past role models like Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar for thier strong conviction and ideologies. For those whom we are in constant touch with, as you said better to see what is good in them at the same time generously make room for their errors too. Keep writing and sharing 🙂
vikrant Aglawe
yes I too earlier thought of role model, like how people handles life and responsibilities. But when we got to see the dark side of personalities then arises a question in mind, who am I following? So i now learn from everyone rather than making someone role model…
Yaay …. you are on the right path … Thanks for your wishes
Loved this explanation too Nikhilesh …. Thank you for your kind words.
Kimaya Katoch
I too had this thought in my mind since childhood but now l believe that everyone has their own set of experiences. It’s better to follow your learnings rather than running behind the personalities.
chintaman verenkar
I think you are in a better position to express your feelings/ideas now. Yes there is a long way to go. All the best.