About Me

Being a part of this world we live in, we all go through so many opportunities and downfalls. Facing all this, we seldom pay attention to what we are feeling. We are so engaged in growing and making big for ourselves that we forget to focus on small things in life.
As a child, I always faced a challenge in expressing what I felt, especially in words. Boggling with too many thoughts, I ended up writing at the tender age of 10. I remember writing ‘n’ number of personal diaries just to have an outlet of emotions. Deep inside, I wished someone would read it and understand what I truly felt (I guess many who write a diary, feel it too).
Universe has been my ultimate teacher and has made me the evolved person I am today. I strive everyday with the sole purpose to break my barriers and grow exponentially. The shift in my mindset has been truly path-breaking.
Today, I am a Blogger, Waldorf Teacher and the Co-Founder of the Period Movement. Life makes you grow if you really want it to.
Through souloutpourings, I love to pen down my thoughts about what I feel and truly practice in my life. I truly believe in – We heal only when we feel.
– Shraddha Verenkar